Category: Χωρίς κατηγορία
centralised vs decentrilised vs distributed
This is nice short article clarifying the terms centralised, decentrilised and distributed with great examples.
remove banned ip from microsoft ban lists
This works for,, and possibly other microsoft related email addresses. Use this form to request removal: Make sure you ‘re registered: This was an old one and does not seem to work anymore: Source:
osticket and self-signed-certificates on email server
This has to do with PHP >= 5.6, where php changed its behavior with self signed certificates. This has caused osticket users to keep old PHP versions in order to operate with self signed mail servers. But actually the fix is relatively simple: Go to {osTicket directory}/include/pear/Net/SMTP.php line 173 and change this line: ‘ssl’ => array(‘verify_peer_name’ => false)…
rename mysql database using command line
mysqladmin -u username -p create NEW_DB_NAME mysqldump -u root -pPASSWORD OLD_DB_NAME|mysql -u root -pPASSWORD NEW_DB_NAME
rsync including hidden files and differences with scp
rsync -av –progress src/ user@server:dest/ scp should also do the job but rsync is better scp -rp src user@server:dest/ Nice explanation about the differences can be found here: — scp basically reads the source file and writes it to the destination. It performs a plain linear copy, locally, or over a network. rsync also…
laravel 5 and language set locale
how to add a second erpnext instance on ubuntu
Assuming you have followed my previous guide on installing erpnext on a fresh ubuntu instance (, we will show you how to install a second site on the same server (DNS based multitenancy).
how to install erpnext on ubuntu
This guide is based on, and is tested a couple of times against ubuntu 14.04/64. Login as root with ssh. Optionally: apt-get update apt-get upgrade dpkg-reconfigure tzdata apt-get install nano Add a user (erpnext for our example). adduser erpnext Store password in a safe place for later use. visudo (to grant erpnext user sudo privileges,…
remote desktop (rdp) service on windows 10 home
One of the main differences between Windows 10 Pro and Windows 10 Home is the lack of the remote desktop service for the latter. But thanks to this wonderful project rdp service is not a barrier any more. We have tested this solution in two different Windows 10 Home machines and it works great. Download…