Category: Χωρίς κατηγορία

  • adding exceptions to iwatch

    adding exceptions to iwatch

    In a previous article, we’ve seen how to install iwatch ( If you watch a directory with continuous changes, you may find useful to exclude specific types of files and/or directories. Let’s say that you want to monitor a web server that hosts, site’s file structure at /var/www/ and media files mostly at /var/www/…

  • configuring ossec

    useful links, though bit outdated How to add an access log to ossec monitor # /var/ossec/bin/ addfile /var/log/httpd/somesite.access_log how to start-stop ossec service ossec start service ossec stop service ossec restart service ossec status You might find useful changing this file: nano /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf <!– Frequency that syscheck is executed – set to every…

  • installing ossec on debian

    copied from DEB Installation To install with apt-get do the following: Step 1. Install the apt-get repository key: # apt-key adv –fetch-keys Step 2. Add the repository for Debian (available distributions are Sid, Jessie and Wheezy): # echo ‘deb wheezy main’ >> /etc/apt/sources.list Or add the repository for Ubuntu (available distributions are…

  • laravel 5.1: add column to table

    php artisan migratemake add_mycolumn_to_mytable A new migration file will be created. Add the code that updates the schema ( Schema::table(‘mytable’, function($table) { $table->integer(‘mycolumn’); } The following command will update db schema. php artisan migrate

  • webmin on debian

    webmin on debian nano /etc/apt/sources.list add the following: deb sarge contrib deb sarge contrib save-exit Fetch and install webmin GPG key with which the repository is signed, with the commands : cd /root wget apt-key add jcameron-key.asc install webmin apt-get update apt-get install webmin Wait for webmin to install – depending on your hardware,…

  • linux: find all files of a particular size

    Copied from: The Unix find command is a very powerful tool, and this short post is intended to show how easy you can achieve something that might look complicate: to find all the files of a particular size. Let’s assume you are searching for all the files of exactly 6579 bytes size inside the home…

  • install iwatch on debian

    install iwatch on debian iWatch is a realtime filesystem monitoring program. Its purpose is to monitor any changes in a specific directory or file and send email notification immediately after the change. This can be very useful to watch a sensible file or directory against any changes, like files /etc/passwd,/etc/shadow or directory /bin or to monitor the root…

  • wget without checking certificate

    –no-check-certificate Don’t check the server certificate against the available certificate authorities. Also don’t require the URL host name to match the common name presented by the certificate. As of Wget 1.10, the default is to verify the server’s certificate against the recognized certificate authorities, breaking the SSL handshake and aborting the download if the verification…

  • ispconfig 3, debian, php.ini upload_max_filesize=20M

    creating a file .user.ini in the web/ folder (should be found automatically) which contains upload_max_filesize=20M service apache2 restart